What's Going On

Stay updated with the latest news about our church ministries and the exciting opportunities to get involved. Explore how you can engage, serve, and grow with us in every ministry initiative.

Sunday Service (Masters and Fishermen)

This sermon explores Jesus’ calling of his first disciples in Luke 5:1-11, focusing particularly on Simon Peter’s journey from a fisherman to a follower of Christ after witnessing a miraculous catch of fish. The sermon emphasizes the distinction b...

Ministry Update - Young Adults & Adults

Small Groups: The women’s group (a 20/30-something ministry) continues to meet at our church. The Christian club at FLCC also continues, with Wendy Bacon supporting this club and keeping us informed as to how we can best support them. Other adults...

Ministry Update: Youth

Youth Groups: Our weekly high school program (known as The Cause, an extension of our Youth Club ministry) continues with the curriculum titled “Can I Ask That? Hard Questions about God and Faith”. Our middle school program (part of our Youth Club...

Sunday Service (Coming Home, Part 2: When Nazareth Turned on Jesus)

In this sermon about Jesus’s return to Nazareth in Luke 4, we see how his hometown’s initial warm reception quickly turned violent when he challenged their lack of faith by comparing them unfavorably to two Gentiles - the widow of Zarephath and Na...

Welcome New Stewards

“Guided by our love for the Lord and a deep commitment to serving others, the Board of Stewards seeks to extend God’s love through acts of humility, kindness, compassion, and faithfulness. Our mission is to provide companionship, support, and care...

The Teachings of Jesus

As a church family, we have established a tradition of celebrating the season of Epiphany, which commences on January 6 and continues until Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. This season invites us to reflect on the ministry of Jesus as the light t...

Practice What We Peach (The Mission of the Church - Part 3/3)

This article is part three of a larger reflection on the mission of the Church in a post-Christian culture. In December, I wrote about the importance of publicly proclaiming the faith (A belief that is rooted biblically and historically). In Janua...

Sunday Service (Coming Home, Part 1: Jesus in Nazareth)

This sermon reflects on Jesus’ bold proclamation in his hometown of Nazareth, declaring himself the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy in Luke 4:14-21. It challenges listeners to move beyond familiarity and embrace Jesus’ authority, recognizing his ...

A New Year, A New Goal

It’s already February, but the year is still fresh with possibilities! As is my yearly tradition, this time of year prompts me to reflect and set some intentional goals to grow, both spiritually and practically. I know many of you do the same, and...

Sunday Service

This sermon explores Jesus’ first miracle at the Cana wedding feast, explaining how He transformed water into wine not merely to solve a practical problem, but to reveal His identity as the Messiah and point to God’s greater work of redemption. Us...

Exploring Membership Class

Exploring Membership at Our Church Sunday, February 16 at 9:45 AM Are you interested in learning more about our church community and what it means to be a member? We warmly invite you to join us for our upcoming Exploring Membership Class, where...

Sunday Service

We are called to embrace humility and dependence on God as modeled by John the Baptist and Jesus during His baptism, recognizing our roles in God’s greater plan and our need for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. By following their example, we to...

Sunday Service

This sermon explores the celebration of Epiphany, emphasizing its roots in the early church as a continuation of the Christmas season, culminating on January 6. Drawing from the story of the Magi in Matthew 2, it highlights the significance of the...

Senior Companion Birthday

February 25 Happy Birthday Bob Ledgerwood! Bob has been a member of the United Church for many years. He regularly attended services until his health declined. He still attends a weekly Bible Study. Bob has two daughters and eight Grand Children...

Ministry Update: Young Adults & Adults

A group of young adults (our group this year is primarily college-aged students) are preparing for the January 2025 trip to Atlanta for the Passion Conference! Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare their hearts and minds to worship the ...

Adult Ministry Update

Small Groups: The women’s group (a 20/30-something ministry) continues to meet at our church. The Christian club at FLCC also continues, with Wendy Bacon supporting this club and keeping us informed as to how we can best support them. Other adults...

Youth Ministry Update

Youth Groups: Our weekly high school program (known as The Cause, an extension of our Youth Club ministry) continues with the curriculum titled “Can I Ask That? Hard Questions about God and Faith”. Our middle school program (part of our Youth Club...

Sunday Service

This prayer service brings the church together to pray for each ministry area, from family and missions to worship and church leadership. Through a mix of Scripture, hymns, and focused prayers, we’re asking for God’s guidance and strength for ever...

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service 2024

Sunday Service

We are called to embrace the disruptive presence of God in our lives as Mary did, willingly submitting ourselves to His purposes despite personal inconvenience or societal judgment. We should actively respond to God’s call with obedience and joy, ...

Parent and Child Library

The Parent/Child Library in the upstairs chapel has been refreshed with LOTS of new books! You may borrow a book off either the display shelf or the regular book shelf. All families are welcome to use the Parent/Child library at any time. Please s...

Sunday Service

We are called to rejoice in all circumstances, trusting that our joy is rooted not in our present situations but in our eternal relationship with God. God instructs us to respond to life’s challenges with gentleness and to place our anxieties in H...

Worship Schedule and Readings for December

December 01 - Living with Urgency and Expectation: Preparing for Christ’s Return Primary Reading: Luke 21:25-36 Additional Readings: Psalm 25:1-10, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 December 08 - Expectant Hearts: Waiting on God Primary Rea...

Sunday Service

The sermon on Philippians 1:3-11, given during Advent, focuses on Paul’s sense of urgency and expectation as he anticipates the return of Christ. The message emphasizes Paul’s confidence that God, who began a good work in the believers at Philippi...

Sunday Service

This sermon, focused on the first Sunday of Advent, emphasizes the importance of living with urgency and expectation as we await both the celebration of Christ’s birth and His promised return. Through exploring Luke 21:25-36, the message encourage...

Sunday Service

The sermon explores the biblical concept of gratitude as we approach Thanksgiving. Reflecting on Psalm 107 and the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17, the message emphasizes the importance of giving thanks for God’s unfailing love and wonderful de...

Sunday Service

As we explore Matthew 22:1-14, we examine the parable of the wedding banquet, illustrating the Kingdom of Heaven through God’s open invitation to all, both good and bad. While many initially reject the invitation, the king (representing God) invit...

Sunday Service

This sermon reflects on the closing scene of Genesis, focusing on the deaths of Jacob and Joseph and the continuation of God’s promise to their descendants. Despite their deaths, the story of God’s deliverance and grace is not over, as Joseph expr...

Sunday Service

This sermon explores Genesis 49, where Jacob offers blessings and prophecies for each of his sons before his death. These words reflect the character and actions of Jacob’s sons and point forward to the future of Israel’s tribes, with a particular...

Sunday Service

This sermon explores Genesis 48, where Jacob, defying cultural expectations, blesses his younger grandson Ephraim over the firstborn Manasseh. This act highlights how God’s blessings often come in surprising ways that defy human plans, encouraging...