Mark Slomski

Mark Slomski

Pastor of Youth and Adult Ministry

Mark began as Youth Director at The United Church in July 2022. In December 2022, Mark was called as Pastor of Youth and Adult Education. Mark attended Finger Lakes Community College (AS – Criminal Justice), Roberts Wesleyan College (BA – Criminal Justice), and Northeastern Seminary (MA – Theological Studies). Mark is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree (with a focus on New Testament Context) at Northern Seminary.

Mark is married to Lauren (2012) and raising their nephew Carter (2017). Mark joined the church in 2010 after meeting Lauren, whose family has attended The United Church for 6 generations. Mark has spent 10 years working in the Environmental, Health, Safety and Security industry. Mark enjoys reading (theology & history), exercise (general fitness), sports (all sports; especially the L.A. Lakers), coffee (just black), and the outdoors.

Sunday Service (Transfiguration Sunday)

After Peter declares Jesus is the Messiah, and after Jesus prophecies his death and resurrection, Jesus brings a few disciples onto a mountain and appears to them in glorious light, in a well-known scene often called The Transfiguration. In our se...

Ministry Update - Young Adults & Adults

Small Groups: The women’s group (a 20/30-something ministry) continues to meet at our church. The Christian club at FLCC also continues, with Wendy Bacon supporting this club and keeping us informed as to how we can best support them. Other adults...

Ministry Update: Youth

Youth Groups: Our weekly high school program (known as The Cause, an extension of our Youth Club ministry) continues with the curriculum titled “Can I Ask That? Hard Questions about God and Faith”. Our middle school program (part of our Youth Club...

Practice What We Peach (The Mission of the Church - Part 3/3)

This article is part three of a larger reflection on the mission of the Church in a post-Christian culture. In December, I wrote about the importance of publicly proclaiming the faith (A belief that is rooted biblically and historically). In Janua...

Ministry Update: Young Adults & Adults

A group of young adults (our group this year is primarily college-aged students) are preparing for the January 2025 trip to Atlanta for the Passion Conference! Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare their hearts and minds to worship the ...

Adult Ministry Update

Small Groups: The women’s group (a 20/30-something ministry) continues to meet at our church. The Christian club at FLCC also continues, with Wendy Bacon supporting this club and keeping us informed as to how we can best support them. Other adults...

Youth Ministry Update

Youth Groups: Our weekly high school program (known as The Cause, an extension of our Youth Club ministry) continues with the curriculum titled “Can I Ask That? Hard Questions about God and Faith”. Our middle school program (part of our Youth Club...

Sunday Service

The sermon on Philippians 1:3-11, given during Advent, focuses on Paul’s sense of urgency and expectation as he anticipates the return of Christ. The message emphasizes Paul’s confidence that God, who began a good work in the believers at Philippi...