“That All Might Know Love and Follow the Lord Jesus Christ as Their Personal Lord and Savior”
We are a united community of faith affiliated with two denominations—Presbyterian and American Baptist. Our mission is that all may come to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We are a growing fellowship of believers who love God and love others. You are welcome to visit our church anytime!
Service Times and Sunday School
We hold two services every Sunday:
- 8:45 am and 11:00 am (from the Sunday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Memorial Day)
- 9:30 am (from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend)
Sunday School is offered for all ages at 9:45 am from mid-September through mid-May. We also provide nursery care during all services.
What to Expect During a Visit
We hope the information below helps you know what to expect as a visitor to The United Church. Above all, we hope you feel warmly welcomed and comfortable while you are here. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
What time should I arrive?
We recommend arriving about 10 minutes before the service to allow time to walk to the sanctuary, be greeted, and find a seat. If you have children, they may worship with you or you can take them to our nursery. For nursery use, you may want a bit of extra time to get them settled before the service.
Will I be singled out as a visitor?
There are no special visitor tags or introductions, so don’t worry about being singled out. It’s possible someone may greet you before or after the service. If you’d like more information, feel free to ask or fill out a visitor card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate.
What is the service like?
When you enter the sanctuary, you’ll be warmly greeted and handed a bulletin with announcements, a service outline, Scripture references, and the sermon title. Feel free to sit wherever you are comfortable.
Here’s what you can expect at a typical service:
- Singing songs and hymns
- Special Music (instruments, solos, children’s choir, teen choir, men’s quartet, ensembles and more)
- Choir
- Prayers
- Children’s Message
- Scripture Reading
- Sermon (about 20 minutes)
- Communion
- Offering
- Benediction
Special elements such as baptisms, welcoming new members, and commissioning prayers for missions may also be included.
Communion is offered on the first Sunday of every month. The elders will distribute bread and grape juice, and we partake together to remember Christ’s sacrifice. Communion is open to all who profess faith in Jesus Christ.
How long is the service?
Each service lasts about 1 hour.
What should I wear?
Most people wear casual business attire, though you’ll see a range from jeans to suits/dresses. Please come as you are.
What about my kids?
- Birth – 5 years: Children are welcome to stay in the service or visit the nursery before or during the service.
- K - 2nd grade: Kids can attend part of the service with their family and may be dismissed for Children’s Time (during the 11:00 am service and 9:30 am summer service).
- 3rd - 5th grade: 3rd graders receive a Bible and can attend “Learning to Worship” classes to help them understand the service. Once completed, they remain with their families during worship.
Middle School and High School (6th - 12th grade) students are encouraged to join the service with their families or sit with other students.
Our parking lot is accessible from Gibson Street. We also have permission to park in lots behind four buildings on Main Street, south of our church. Parallel parking is available on Main and Gibson Streets.
Contact Us
For questions, contact our church office at (585) 394-0503 or visit us Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Our address is: 11 Gibson Street, Canandaigua, New York 14424
Who We Are
The United Church connects with two denominations and various ministries. Through our Mission Budget (separate from our Operating Budget), over a third of our yearly offerings go to ministries outside our walls. Membership in The United Church can be Presbyterian, Baptist, or “United.”
The United Church is part of the Presbyterian Church USA (PC-USA) through the Presbytery of Geneva. Presbyterian influence is evident in our structured, traditional service. However, The United Church does not align with PC-USA on some issues. Contact our Pastor if you would like to learn more.
We are in the process of connecting with The Fellowship Community (TFC). We are learning more about this network of Presbyterian churches in hopes of a more formal connection in 2025.
The United Church is affiliated with the Finger Lakes Association, The American Baptist Churches of New York State, and The American Baptist Churches USA. As a Baptist church, governance occurs at the local level, maintaining autonomy in church matters.
With dual affiliations, our church structure includes elements from both traditions.
Annual Meeting and Leadership
The congregation meets annually (usually in January) to elect leaders, adopt a budget, and review church activities.
- Official Board: Includes the Pastor (Teaching Elder) and Ruling Elders. Ruling Elders are members of solid faith who serve communion.
- Board of Stewards: Maintains connections with Special Members and manages the Stewards Assistance Fund.
- Board of Trustees: Manages church finances and property.
- Endowment Trustees: Oversee the Congregation’s Endowment Funds.
Committees and teams carry out church ministries. Membership is not required to serve.
Church membership at The United Church may be Presbyterian, Baptist, or United. Those interested in joining are encouraged to attend an “Exploring Membership Class” offered in the Spring and Fall. Membership can be through baptism, reaffirming faith, or transferring a letter from another church.
Statement of Belief
The United Church family allows for diversity in convictions and scriptural interpretations. Collectively, we confess:
- GOD lives in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- JESUS CHRIST is fully God and fully human; He died for our sins, rose, ascended, and shall come again.
- SCRIPTURE is the unique and authoritative Word of God in human language.
- HUMANITY, though capable of good, is sinful, with salvation and hope only in Christ through personal faith.
- THE CHURCH is the community of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread the Good News.
- CONFESS Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
- WORSHIP God publicly and corporately.
- PROCLAIM the Good News to all, reflecting Christ’s love in our lives.
Presbyterians recognize eleven confessional statements in the Book of Order, including the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds.