Worship Ministry

The United Church of Canandaigua holds Sunday services year-round, with two services at 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM from fall to spring, and a single service at 9:30 AM during the summer months. Services feature a traditional format, including hymn singing accompanied by the pipe organ and a 20-minute sermon. Children's time is included, and nursery care is available for infants through 5-year-olds.
Worship Ministry

Worship Planning Team

The Worship Planning Team oversees the coordination and execution of worship services, including:

  • Preaching: Scheduling and coordinating the sermons delivered during services.
  • Sunday Mornings: Managing the smooth operation of Sunday services, including:
    • Audio Visual: Overseeing sound, lighting, and multimedia presentations.
    • Greeters: Welcoming attendees and providing assistance.
    • Communion Servers: Preparing and serving communion elements.
    • Offering Collectors: Organizing the collection of offerings during the service.
    • Candles/Plates: Managing the placement and maintenance of candles and offering plates.
    • Scripture Reader Team: Organizing individuals to read scripture passages.


Music Ministries

The Music Ministries offer a variety of musical groups and opportunities to enhance worship:

  • Cause Music: Providing music for the youth gathering called “The Cause.”
  • Choir: Leading the congregation in hymns and special music pieces.
  • Organist: Accompanying hymns and providing musical interludes.
  • Youth Club Music: Involving youth in musical performances and worship leadership.
  • Sunday School Singers: Encouraging participation in singing during services.
  • Concerts Team: Planning and organizing organ concerts and special seasonal concerts.
  • Bell Choir Creating beautiful harmonies through coordinated handbell ringing.
  • Youth Choir Young voices join together to share God’s love through song.

Adult Team

Decorations Team

The Decorations Team enhances the worship environment with visual elements, including:

  • Sanctuary: Decorating the main worship space to reflect liturgical seasons and special occasions.
  • Flowers: Arranging and placing floral decorations.
  • Banners: Creating and displaying banners that convey seasonal or thematic messages.
  • Pew Supplies: Ensuring pews are stocked with hymnals, Bibles, and informational brochures.

Our Mission

The Worship Ministry works to foster a welcoming and spiritually enriching environment by thoughtfully preparing every aspect of the worship service. Through careful planning, music, and decorations, the ministry ensures that worship is a meaningful experience for all attendees.