Deb Marshall

Deb Marshall

Family Ministries Director

Deb and her family began attending the United Church in 2010. Deb became Director of Christian Education in July 2016. She attended Roberts Wesleyan College (BA) and Rochester Institute of Technology (MS/CAS - School Psychology). Deb is married to Ryan (2002) and they have three children Emma (2006), Walter (2008), and Adele (2012). She enjoys gardening, coffee (especially with friends), baking, being outside, and traveling.

A New Year, A New Goal

It’s already February, but the year is still fresh with possibilities! As is my yearly tradition, this time of year prompts me to reflect and set some intentional goals to grow, both spiritually and practically. I know many of you do the same, and...

Parent and Child Library

The Parent/Child Library in the upstairs chapel has been refreshed with LOTS of new books! You may borrow a book off either the display shelf or the regular book shelf. All families are welcome to use the Parent/Child library at any time. Please s...