Missions Ministry

The Missions Ministry is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission through local, national and global outreach. Our teams focus on collecting resources, engaging in hands-on service, and supporting missionaries. The Collections Team coordinates donations for various projects, while the Hands-On Missions Team participates in community service and mission trips. The Missionary Support Team provides resources and financial aid to missionaries. Led by the Lead Missions Team, we ensure effective use of funds to support mission work, fostering a culture of service and support within our community.
Missions Ministry

Collections Team

The Collections Team gathers resources and donations to support mission projects, including:

  • Special Offerings: Coordinating collections for specific mission needs.
  • Food Drives: Organizing efforts to collect and distribute food.
  • CareNet and Local Organizations: Providing supplies to support local charities like CareNet.
  • CWS Kits: Collecting items for Church World Service (CWS) kits.

Adult Team

Hands On Missions Team

The Hands On Missions Team directly engages in mission work through:

  • Local Projects: Serving the community through hands-on service initiatives.
  • Mission Trips: Providing assistance in various locations through organized trips.
  • Silent Auction: Hosting auctions to raise funds for mission projects.

Missionary Support Team

The Missionary Support Team provides essential support to missionaries through:

  • Denominational Support: Assisting with denominational mission initiatives and financial aid.
  • Missionary Visits: Coordinating visits from missionaries to share updates and needs.
  • Additional Support: Offering ongoing resources for missionary work.

Lead Missions Team

The Lead Missions Team oversees the ministry’s operations, ensuring funds are allocated effectively and transparently. This team consists of the chairs of each Missions Ministry team, the benevolence treasurer, and the Official Board Liaison. Regular meetings promote collaboration and balance financial needs across all mission projects.

Our Mission

The Missions Ministry strives to spread the love of Christ by engaging in meaningful mission work, supporting missionaries, and serving those in need. Through collections, hands-on projects, and financial stewardship, we aim to make a positive impact locally and globally.