Join us this summer for True North VBS: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World. Our VBS is free and runs July 14-18, 2025, 9am – 12noon. We have a special kick-off on Sun., July 13, 2025 at 6:30pm. All children, ages 4 years old through those who completed 5th grade, are welcome to participate!
As kids trek the tundra at True North VBS, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows kids that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
Register your kids, beginning March 1, using this link
Our spaces are limited for VBS, so baring any unforeseen circumstances (such as sudden illness), we ask that children plan to attend all 5 days. If your child becomes unavailable to attend all 5 days prior to VBS beginning, please let us know. Thank you! Please contact Deb Marshall with any questions.