Less is More

I recently came across a quote that stuck with me: ‘The more we build a life we can’t wait to live, the more time and passion we find to live it.’ The author suggests that building a life you ‘can’t wait to live’ doesn’t always require adding more. In fact, it often involves removing things that drain us or suck our energy.

The season of Lent, which begins March 5, seems like a great time to remove those things, which will then create space for things that bring meaning and energy to our lives. Is there anything in your life that, if removed, would create space for the things that really matter? For some of us, it would be possessions. Our culture teaches us that happiness comes from more…more clothes, more shoes, more toys, etc. But what if you intentionally got rid of nonessential items. Would this be freeing for you? Would it make you enjoy your life more not to have so much stuff?

Other things that drain us could be a commitment we said “yes” to, but now regret. Can you end a commitment that’s draining you? If not, how can you avoid saying ‘yes’ to something else that will drain you? Remember, every “yes” is a “no” to something else - that might be a “no” to family time or a “no” to something else you enjoy. Again, culture teaches us that being busy is good and means we are successful, but a more enjoyable, healthy life would likely mean that you are less busy so that you have time for things you truly enjoy.

Culture in America has set us up with many toxic mindsets, and you may have a toxic mindset that is draining. Ask God to reveal to you any mindset that needs to be replaced by something healthier.

Besides removing things from your life that are draining, other ways to create a life you enjoy are by prioritizing what energizes you - time with the Lord, exercise, time with loved ones. Making time for these things can certainly be life giving. Making sure you take care of yourself and being intentional with your time (i.e., setting boundaries) are also ways to ensure you are living life to the fullest.

The Lord did not create us to run on empty, grump through each day, or be so busy we feel ragged and drop into bed each night exhausted. He created us to glorify Him and live a joyful life. This Lent, what can you change in your life to give up what drains you and focus on what fills you?

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 (italics/bold mine)

Family Ministries Director

Deb Marshall