Ministry Update - Young Adults & Adults

Small Groups: The women’s group (a 20/30-something ministry) continues to meet at our church. The Christian club at FLCC also continues, with Wendy Bacon supporting this club and keeping us informed as to how we can best support them. Other adults in our church are engaged in various small group ministries. To name a few, we have our Men’s breakfast, Women’s circles, Bible study groups, knitting group, and prayer shawl knitting. Some new small groups have already formed, and other potential facilitators are considering what they’d like to do. Would you like to facilitate a small group? Contact Pastor Mark or Jen Eveleigh.

Sunday School: The Adult Education Sunday School Hour continues! Our Bible Study class is starting a study titled: “Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament”. We also continue to host the Parenting Coffee Hour. This casual group continues through a devotional titled “Upside Down Parenting”.

Monthly Connects: Our monthly connect at Ferris Hills on the first Wednesday of the month continues. There is discernment for more monthly connects in 2025!

The Adult Ministry Team: Brenda and Bob Cunningham, Steve Simpson, Gary Preece, Gail Benjamin, Adam Thorman, Bev Fehrenbach, and Melissa Long. Wendy Bacon and Deb Marshall are serving as counsel for our young adult ministry.

Pastor of Youth and Adult Ministry

Mark Slomski