The Parent/Child Library in the upstairs chapel has been refreshed with LOTS of new books! You may borrow a book off either the display shelf or the regular book shelf. All families are welcome to use the Parent/Child library at any time. Please sign the book(s) out and return within 4 weeks. Any questions? See Deb Marshall.

Deb Marshall
See all familyRegistration is open for VBS
Join us this summer for True North VBS: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World. Our VBS is free and runs **July 14-18, 2025, 9am – 12noon**. We have a special kick-off on Sun., July 13, 2025 at 6:30pm. All children, ages 4 years old through those who comp...

Family Ministry Update
What’s happened… We invited friends to Youth Club on February 12 since our original date for Bring a Friend night was canceled due to a snow day. We had 19 friends join the regular group of 60 kids who come to Youth Club. What a joy to share the...

Less is More
I recently came across a quote that stuck with me: 'The more we build a life we can't wait to live, the more time and passion we find to live it.' The author suggests that building a life you 'can't wait to live' doesn't always require adding more...