
Sunday Services at 8:45 and 11 AM

The United Church is a wonderful church family with rich traditions and history in the community of Canandaigua, New York

Our mission is: That All Might Know, Love, and Follow the Lord Jesus Christ as Their Personal Lord and Savior.

We hope you will visit in person and learn more about our congregation. Please take a few minutes to read more about who we are and how we understand what it means to live out our faith.

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Family Ministry Update

What’s happened… We invited friends to Youth Club on February 12 since our original date for Bring a Friend night was canceled due to a snow day. We had 19 friends join the regular group of 60 kids who come to Youth Club. What a joy to share the...

Less is More

I recently came across a quote that stuck with me: ‘The more we build a life we can’t wait to live, the more time and passion we find to live it.’ The author suggests that building a life you ‘can’t wait to live’ doesn’t always require adding more...

Sunday Service (Unnatural Love: A Call to Love Our Enemies)

Jesus’s radical command to love our enemies goes far beyond natural human inclinations, as demonstrated powerfully in his own love for Judas and his death on the cross for sinners. In Luke 6:27-38, Jesus calls his followers to respond to hatred wi...

Sunday Service (Upside Down Blessings)

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, particularly as recorded in Luke 6, radically redefines what it means to be blessed by God, challenging both ancient and modern assumptions about spiritual success. Rather than providing a checklist of behaviors to foll...

Church family bowling night

Saturday, March 22, 5:30-7:30pm Roseland Bowl, 4357 Recreation Drive, Canandaigua. $10 adults per person ($40 maximum per family) covers bowling, pizza, drinks, & dessert. Register and pay here or contact Mary Beth Fortunato. Registration d...

Sunday Service (Masters and Fishermen)

This sermon explores Jesus’ calling of his first disciples in Luke 5:1-11, focusing particularly on Simon Peter’s journey from a fisherman to a follower of Christ after witnessing a miraculous catch of fish. The sermon emphasizes the distinction b...