Youth Groups: Our weekly high school program (known as The Cause, an extension of our Youth Club ministry) continues with the curriculum titled “Can I Ask That? Hard Questions about God and Faith”. Our middle school program (part of our Youth Club ministry) continues with our Deep Discipleship curriculum.
Sunday School: Middle School and High School continue with Deep Discipleship as our curriculum.
Special Events: For February, we will be hosting our Souper Bowl of Caring fundraiser (February 9th). Funds raised will be donated to Canandaigua Christian Churches in Action (CCIA).
Monthly Connects: As always, our monthly school district connects (including Victor, Canandaigua, and Marcus Whitman) continue! Check the church calendar for dates.
Youth Ministry Team: This year’s team includes: Julie Zajac, Dale Zajac, Lauren Slomski, Kayleigh Sheppard, Ray McMillen, Sandi DiCicco, Jen Callard, and Jini Hildebrandt! Interested in joining our team? Let Pastor Mark or any team member know!